Rainbow Six Siege: How To Play Grim

Tactical shooters have a reputation for being very difficult and highly competitive. Small mistakes can result in catastrophic losses. This means that it’s important to know everything about your character – their weapons, their counters, and the maps they’ll be competing on. The more information the player has, the better they will do.

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Rainbow Six Siege already has a long list of Operators, and Operation Brutal Swarm introduces players to another one: Grim. This attacker takes on both intel and territory deniers, using swarms of nanobot bees to uncover enemy positions and give him and his team the upper hand. Here’s everything players need to know to play Grim.


The Basics of Grim

Grim’s basic kit consists of the 522 Commando Assault Rifle, SG-CQB Shotgun, P229 Pistol, Breach Charge, and Claymore. In addition, Grim is equipped with the kawan hive launcher, who shoots down a hive full of nanobot bees as his unique ability. The hive sticks to surfaces, allowing Grim to attach it to walls, ceilings, or the floor. Once the hive is planted, it will automatically open and release the bees, which will then populate the surrounding 4m x 4m area. These bees cover a large area, and any enemy operator that steps inside will be constantly pinged, which can mean their location in a tactical shooter like this.

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This ping lasts eight seconds. It affects every operator that enters the swarm and continues to ping locations even after the operator has left the swarm. This ping is constant, Giving Grim perfect intel on enemies’ whereabouts while in the swarm and makes him a win in many team combinations. Even after they leave the swarm, enemies’ location will continue to be pinged until the eight-second timer expires, though these follow-up pings are staggered rather than constant. The information provided by the Kawan Hive Launcher makes Grim great for both uncover enemy positions and drive anchors out of cover, as it forces them to either move or suffer the consequences of exposure.

How to Play Grim

beehive Placement is extremely important for this character. One of the first things players will have to get used to when learning to play Grim is that the Hive will stick to any surface it hits instead of bouncing. That means initial placement is everything. Solid surfaces like walls, doors, and filing cabinets block bees. Even if an operator is normally within range of the hive, as long as he is behind such a surface, he is safe from the bees.

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Grim’s main counter is Mute. A hive deployed within range of Mute’s Jammer does not use bees, and an operator swarmed by bees can remove the swarm by moving within a jammer’s radius. Hunter’s ADS will also destroy Hives If shot through their zone, Wamai’s magnetic net system will throw the hive off its trajectory, although it doesn’t stop the bees from deploying.

The last and most difficult way to counter Grim’s Hive is over destroy it with one percussion grenade. This can only be done after opening the Hive canister, but before deploying the bees. Timing is extremely difficult, so handling mute remains the number one concern for Grim players.

Grim can be played as Entry, Second Entry or Flex. Since he is equipped with five hives, he can grant information for about 40 seconds. If the player is willing to deplete their resources, they can even spend three hives just to deplete the enemy’s ADS while still leaving two for actual spotting. Grim’s greatest strength is his ability to clear anchor locations and ping pesky shield operators, but that’s not his only strength. Beehives can also be used for crowd control. If the player is outnumbered and fears being knocked out from multiple directions, they can drop a Hive into an entrance, allowing them to cover another zone while being sure the enemy won’t be able to for eight seconds will catch Grim off guard.

Rainbow Six Siege is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia and Luna.

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