Same sport, different situations – El Estoque
Exploring the similarities and differences between school and club coaches
Girls varsity basketball head coach Sara Borelli began her basketball coaching career at South San Francisco High School five years before she began working at MVHS. The then coach of the SSFHS basketball team, originally a football coach, needed support. Therefore, Borelli was recruited to coach SSFHS because of her college basketball experience.
While Borelli enjoys being a coach, she says coaches at FUHSD aren’t paid enough for their work “like other counties are,” as their salary is just over $4,000 a season. According to sports director Nick Bonacorsi, the payment for many will be “just under a month’s rent” after taxes.
Bonacorsi explains that the low coaching stipend compared to the high cost rates in this area is a major reason that finding coaches for spring sports has been extremely difficult. Additionally, high school coaches typically have many responsibilities beyond teaching players about the sport.
“I find [club and school sports] differ in many ways,” said Bonacorsi. “Here [in high school] We’re working more on character development stuff, [and coaches] I also have to deal with the academic side.”
Varsity Boys Volleyball Head Coach Paul Chiu agrees with Bonacorsi about the additional responsibilities of a high school coach versus a club coach. Prior to his current position as MVHS’ head volleyball coach, Chiu coached club volleyball at Bay to Bay Volleyball Club and Aloha Beach Volleyball Club and admits that “it’s easier to coach a club [sports] as a high school coach.”
“[In] Club, the priorities are different,” said Chiu. “Most club coaches tend to be less concerned with your high school commitments and the other issues you have to balance as a high school coach, so they prioritize the club and the schedule is just planned. They don’t give players the flexibility that a high school coach needs to provide.”
Echoing Bonacorsi and Chiu, Borelli explains that her role as a girls’ basketball coach is not only to coach her players during games and practice, but also to manage the junior varsity program, fundraise, and order equipment. In addition, Borelli must manage the duties and work of an English teacher at MVHS.
“Especially in English lessons I have a lot to do, I have to grade a lot, grade essays, [it’s] a lot of time in that regard as well,” Borelli said. “Everyone assumes I’m a physical education teacher when I tell them I teach [at MVHS]so it’s difficult.”
In addition to coaching, which Borelli now does for the MVHS Girls Varsity Basketball Team, she also has experience coaching a club basketball team. Sharing her experience, Borelli notes that coaching for a club sport was more relaxed and less obligatory for both the players and the coach.
“We didn’t train every day and only played on the weekends,” Borelli said. “It was more of a learning opportunity. It wasn’t about winning or losing. It’s more like, ‘Let’s just go and play and have fun, and if we win, great, if we don’t, we fix things and start over.’”
Bonacorsi further explains the differences between club and school coaching by illustrating the different aspects between school and club teams.
“We have more rules, we have more requirements, there’s more to being a high school coach, whereas the club usually has a structure that allows you to just show up, coach and then back-to-back your drills out or in coaching or whatever it may be,” Bonacorsi said. “And we don’t ask for a large amount either [from] our athletes participate in athletics.”
Because of these differences, Bonacorsi finds it difficult to find people who are experienced in coaching and who are willing to take on a lot of responsibility for little compensation. However, while many athletic clubs such as basketball and volleyball close during the high school season, many clubs continue to operate throughout the high school athletic season.
While many club coaches are still willing to take on the role of high school coach during their club season, Bonacorsi explains that coaches’ requests to rent facilities for their clubs from the district are often denied by the district, making it “economical.” difficult” makes these trainers. This leads to an unhealthy relationship where neither side receives advantages.
Currently, districts have begun to change their philosophy to help clubs more, and Bonacorsi hopes to continue this relationship between clubs and the district. According to Bonacorsi, a symbiotic relationship between the district and club coaches will allow the athletic department to thrive and continue to provide opportunities for high school athletes to compete and play on athletic teams.
„Während wir weiter vorankommen, muss es eine Art Hochzeit zwischen den[ClubsunddemDistriktgeben“sagteBonacorsi„IchdenkedieZukunftbestehtdarineinenTrainerzuhabenderIhrVarsity-Highschool-TeamtrainiertderwahrscheinlichnebenbeiauchVereinshintergrundhatunddaskannallesindiesergesundenBeziehungzusammenpassieren“[clubsanddistrict”Bonacorsisaid“IthinkthatthefutureishavingacoachwhocoachesyourVarsityhighschoolteamwhoprobablyalsohasclubbackgroundonthesideandthatcanallbehappeninginthishealthyrelationshiptogether”[ClubsunddemDistriktgeben“sagteBonacorsi„IchdenkedieZukunftbestehtdarineinenTrainerzuhabenderIhrVarsity-Highschool-TeamtrainiertderwahrscheinlichnebenbeiauchVereinshintergrundhatunddaskannallesindiesergesundenBeziehungzusammenpassieren“[clubsanddistrict”Bonacorsisaid“IthinkthatthefutureishavingacoachwhocoachesyourVarsityhighschoolteamwhoprobablyalsohasclubbackgroundonthesideandthatcanallbehappeninginthishealthyrelationshiptogether”