Sporting Clay Shoot Fundraiser
The Barton Foundation intends to enhance the Barton students’ experience with its 13th annual Sporting Clay Shoot benefit from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 16, at Camp Aldrich, 884 NE 110 Ave. in Claflin, to improve. The money raised will be used for faculty mini-scholarships that Barton faculty members can use to improve students’ learning experiences in their classrooms. The Foundation has awarded $132,479 in mini-scholarships to date.
Lindsey Bogner, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement, said the event gives the Foundation an opportunity to provide great support in our classrooms to improve student learning experiences.
“Last year we were able to fund over $12,500 in mini-grants across the Barton campus because of the generous support of our sponsors, shooters and guests,” she said. “This year we hope to do the same.”
Competitors may compete as individuals or as three-person teams in a modified Lewis Class-style tournament. The shoot begins at 9 a.m. with a shotgun start. Shooters can start the course throughout the day, but the last shooter will start at 3:00 p.m
Registration is $100, and those who pre-register by April 3 will receive a free pulled pork and beef lunch and a free orange fleece-lined hat as an early bird price. The shooters must provide their own shells. A small amount of ammo is available for sale, but you must call ahead and shoot at the event to purchase this ammo. ATVs and golf carts are welcome. Those interested can register at
Registration includes 100 Sportclays, prizes for Overall and Lewis Class winners, and raffle draws for great gifts including a matching set of 12 and 20 gauge Winchester pumpguns, a three day bow hunt at Camp Aldrich, BBQ, gift cards and more are added every day.
New for this year, raffle tickets for the bow hunt and matching weapon set are available to the public through a Gun & Hunt Raffle with tickets priced at $5 each and the purchaser can choose which prize they would like to win. The winner will be drawn at 3pm on the day of the shoot and need not be present to win. Matching Weapon Set 12/20 winner must be 18 years of age and pass a background check to win.
Linden Target Sports handles the logistics and supplies the equipment. The company has designed a course that complements the beautiful scenery of Camp Aldrich, which sits on 290 acres of rolling sand hills and wilderness areas and is two miles north of Highway 156 between Claflin and the Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area. The camp has at least 70 species of wildflowers and grasses, 57 different species of birds, deer, turkey and various other animals; Some of them are on the endangered species list.