Taking action: How to work through feelings of homesickness

Networking with friends from back home can help keep you motivated, but also push yourself to make new friends.

Starting your college career and adjusting to life at UNL can be exciting yet often homesick. It’s normal to experience these feelings during your freshman year and even later in college as you adjust to being back on campus. It’s important to remember that you are going through a major life transition and these feelings are perfectly normal and valid. If you or someone you know is homesick, follow these tips to help you deal with this adjustment.

Make your room your own to make it feel more like home.
Bring your favorite items from home for comfort and choose decorations that reflect your own unique style. Create a space you enjoy being in.

Challenge boredom and loneliness.
These strong emotions can often add to homesickness, so it’s important that you try to get out of your room, explore campus, connect to campus resources and events, and meet new people. Find places you love to study and relax on campus to visit when you need a change. Try attending an upcoming event on campus or getting involved in activities and organizations to stay busy if needed.

Be sure to keep in touch with family and friends from home.
Plan ways to keep in touch with important people in your life by coordinating phone calls, Facetimes, home visits, and school visits if possible. With these things to look forward to, the transition can be made a little easier. While home visits are important, try not to come too early or too often to give yourself the best chance of engaging with peers and on-campus activities to increase your comfort at UNL.

To meet new people.
Make time for on-campus events and activities where even new students can meet new people. Joining a campus organization, volunteering, attending college events, or meeting people in a new workplace can also be great ways to make new social connections. Initiating new conversations can be stressful, so think about small steps like simply smiling or saying hello to someone in your class or dorm. Look for similarities related to similar interests or ask what they study.

Use campus resources.
There are many resources on campus that can be helpful as you adjust to being a husker. Some you can start exploring are:

Stay engaged
Campus Recreation
commitment to the community
Counseling & Psychological Services
Student Participation

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