The Sims 4: How to play for free

The Sims 4 is now completely free on most platforms. You can play the base version of the legendary life simulator on PC (via the EA App, Origin and Steam), PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

Developer EA recently announced that the next Sims title is in development, although it’s still several years away from release.

“This is the future of The Sims, built on charming Sims, powerful tools, and meaningful stories,” said Lyndsay Pearson, Vice President of Franchise Creative for The Sims, of the still-development game. “This future requires us to remain true to what The Sims has always been, while pushing to evolve the way these Sims think and behave, further develop tools in creation and customization, and explore innovative ways to not only Telling stories, but also collaborating on those stories or creations with your closest friends on your favorite devices.”

Until then you can play The Sims 4 everything you want. EA promises to continue supporting the game, saying, “More than ever, our team is dedicated to creating new and meaningful games The Sims 4 experiences for our players and we will continue to develop and release packs, kits and Sims Delivery Express drops for the foreseeable future.”

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A lot of Sims attend a music festival in the game.

How to play The Sims 4 for free on PC or Mac

The Sims 4 always best played on a computer (you just can’t beat keyboard and mouse). The game is available for both PC and Mac. The process looks slightly different on each platform, but is pretty similar.

Step 1: Go to the EA website to download and install the EA App (on PC) or Origin (on Mac) or Steam.

Step 2: Sign in to EA on your platform of choice or create a new EA Account. There are a few ways to sign in using another account like Google, Facebook, or Steam to save time.

EA App login screen on PC

Step 3: Search for The Sims 4 Use the search bar, click the title, then click the Download Button.

Sims 4 in the EA app.

Step 4: Choose where you want to install the game on your device. If you don’t have custom folders, you can just click Next at the bottom of this screen.

Sims 4 installation on PC.

Step 5: Once the game is installed, you can launch it on any platform from which you downloaded it.

A group of Sims are having fun at a creek party.

How to play The Sims 4 for free on console

Download and Install The Sims 4 on the console is easy on Xbox and Playstation.

All you have to do is find The Sims 4 in the store on your console and press Download. The game is now completely free, so it installs instantly and can be played without charging your account.

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