Three Cognitive Biases We All Have (and How to Fight Them)

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As able and In control how we may feelthe mind is capable of tricks us in many ways – and ono of thate ways is through cognitive bias. Cognitive bias is a systematic thinking error that occurs when the brain tries to simplify the information it processes and interpretswhich can then affect our decisions and judgments. As a professor of psychology at Yale Woo-Kyoung Ahn recently explained NPRcognitive biases likely helped our ancestors make quick decisions to survivebut nowthese prejudices can work against us.

What are the most common cognitive biases?

There are all Types of cognitive distortionsfrom anchoring bias (the tendency to categorize information about a topic based on the initial facts you learned about it) to the Dunning-Kruger effect (if people-not you of course—cannot recognize their own incompetence).

As the ancestor who wrote the book Thinking 101: How to Argue Better to Live Better, also explained NPR, we are all guilty of harboring cognitive biases. The three most common cognitive distortions that we are all to blame for These include the tendency to overestimate our abilities, the instinct to fixate on the negative, and cherry-picking data for confirmation a pre-established worldview.

Overestimating our abilities can lead us to underestimate them.prepare for something because we think we can. AAlways fixated on the negative can prevent us from making an important decision, such as B. buying a house or changing jobs. In the meantime, just pay attention Data that “confirms” what we already know can prevent us from learning and accepting other facts.

How to avoid these cognitive biases

As ancestor RemarksThe general strategy for avoiding cognitive biases is to be aware of ourselves predisposition against bias and taking a break before making a decision so we can get better question our assumptions. The bias will still be there, but taking that extra moment to question what we’re doing and why can help reduce our tendency to make decisions based on incorrect assumptions.

Some of the specific strategies for overcoming the most common cognitive biases include over-preparation for large events, projects, or presentations (to avoid the trap of overconfidence); focus on focusing on both the positive and negative aspects of a decision; and consciously deal with topics and current events from different perspectives instead of relying on ours previous assumptions.

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