Ways to smile more and stress less on World Laughter Day

Have you ever laughed so hard at something that it literally makes your stomach hurt? While this feeling can be intense, there is good scientific evidence that laughter can have positive physical and mental benefits.

As it turns out, there’s some truth to the old adage; Laughter is the best medicine; The power of laughter can help with everything from elevating your mood to relieving pain. Ahead of World Laughter Day on May 7th, let’s look at some of the benefits of a good laugh and how it can activate your body and brain for happiness and improved health.

The effects of laughter on our bodies have long interested scientists and are a popular subject of study. Time and time again, research has found that laughter releases endorphins that are compared to natural painkillers. An article published in the National Library of Medicine found that laughing in a social setting can effectively increase a person’s pain threshold. The paper notes that laughter itself seems to be enough to push the needle for pain. “The effect of pain tolerance is due to laughter itself and not simply to a change in positive affect,” the study noted.

Laughter has also been found to reduce stress and anxiety in similar ways; A good, hearty laugh lowers stress-causing cortisol levels.

According to the American Heart Association, laughter is good for the soul and heart. Laughter can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and potentially reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Aside from the health benefits, laughter is a great way to grow and maintain interpersonal relationships. Whether it’s at a good joke or someone else’s misfortune, laughing with a group of friends or co-workers can help build a sense of camaraderie.

The Journal of Nonverbal Behavior published a study that found laughter is an important social glue, and those who laugh together stick together. Laughing together signals a sense of understanding and shared worldviews in a way that can hasten closeness in relationships.

#laugh yoga

#Fake it til you make it

#Search for humor

There are many things to laugh about throughout the day, and when you need a good laugh, here are some scientifically-backed methods to help bring the tears to your eyes.

If the idea of ​​laughing in unison with a room full of other people lying on their yoga mats isn’t fun enough, the prompts to breathe and giggles throughout the class will make you howl.

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that laughter yoga can improve mood and reduce stress, among other benefits.

If you’ve never tried to laugh out loud for no reason, try it on World Laughter Day. Once you get a few laughs, you can trick your system into thinking you’re about to experience something funny. You will also find that your environment could follow suit.

A study conducted by Stanford University found that those who report fake smiles actually feel happier afterwards.

So the next time you’re feeling down, try putting a smile on your face and see if that turns your mood around.

And when all else fails, tune in to a standup special on Netflix or jump into your favorite comedy series to turn your frowns upside down. Watching a 30-minute comedy stimulates the brain’s reward system and triggers the release of endogenous opioid; The same study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, found that watching and laughing in a social setting with friends increased the brain’s release of greater amounts of feel-good chemicals.

See also: Find joy through time well invested

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