Why it’s important, how it works, how to get trained

Did you know that immediate CPR during cardiac arrest can double or even triple your chances of survival?

350,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States each year. That’s why Local 4 has partnered with the American Heart Association (AHA) to bring you a special day of events Tuesday, Staying Alive, which will include CPR training for viewers across Metro Detroit and a series of informative stories and resources , to prepare you for worst.

Check out this article for helpful resources what manual CPR is about, why it’s important, videos on how to perform CPR, and how to get trained. The following information is from the American Heart Association.

The gender difference: men vs. women

According to a study published by the Resuscitation Science Symposium, men are more likely than women to receive CPR in public places from bystanders.


  • Women and men receive similar CPR assistance at home, but in public, 45 percent of men received assistance compared to just 39 percent of women.

  • Men were 1.23 times more likely to receive CPR from bystanders in public and their chance of survival was 23 percent higher compared to women.

So why the discrepancy? It could boil down to anatomy and a bystander comfortable enough to perform CPR on a woman. The following videos illustrate the differences in the hand-only CPR approach for a man and a woman:

How to perform CPR on a child or infant

Where to find CPR courses near you

The AHA is a leader in resuscitation science, education and training and the publisher of the official guidelines for CPR and ECC. Trusted by millions of healthcare providers and others, the AHA provides life-saving training, and 100% of AHA’s profits go back to support their life-saving mission.

Click here to find training courses near you and other tools and packages.

Why is CPR important?

Maintaining blood flow, even partially, increases the chance of successful resuscitation once trained medical personnel arrive on site.

Cardiac arrest vs heart attack

People often use these terms interchangeably, but they are not the same.

What is cardiac arrest?


Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly.

Cardiac arrest is an “ELECTRICAL” problem.

Cardiac arrest is caused by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). When its pumping function is disrupted, the heart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs, and other organs.

What happens

Seconds later, a person is unresponsive, not breathing, or just gasping for air. Death occurs within minutes if the victim is not treated.

What to do

Cardiac arrest can be reversible in some victims if treated within minutes.

  • First, call your local emergency number and begin CPR immediately.

  • If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, use it as soon as possible.

  • If two people are available to help, one should begin CPR immediately while the other calls your local emergency number and locates an AED.

Cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death.

Cardiac arrest affects thousands of people annually, about three quarters of whom occur at home.

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked.

A heart attack is a “CIRCULATION” problem.


A blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching any part of the heart. If the blocked artery isn’t reopened quickly, the part of the heart that normally receives nourishment from that artery begins to die.

What happens?

Symptoms of a heart attack may be immediate and may include severe chest or other upper body discomfort, shortness of breath, cold sweats, and/or nausea/vomiting. More commonly, however, symptoms begin slowly and last hours, days, or weeks before a heart attack. Unlike cardiac arrest, the heart usually does not stop beating during a heart attack. The longer the person goes without treatment, the greater the damage.

Heart attack symptoms in women may be different from men (shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, back or jaw pain).

What to do

Even if you’re not sure if it’s a heart attack, call your local emergency number. Every minute counts! It’s best to call your local emergency number to get to the emergency room right away. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workers can start treatment when they arrive – up to an hour earlier than if someone drives to the hospital. EMS staff are also trained to resuscitate someone whose heart has stopped. Patients with chest pain who arrive by ambulance are also usually treated more quickly in the hospital.


what is the connection

Most heart attacks do not lead to cardiac arrest. But when cardiac arrest occurs, a heart attack is a common cause. Other diseases can also disrupt the heart’s rhythm and lead to cardiac arrest.

Chain of Survival

CPR is a critical step in the AHA’s chain of survival. The term chain of survival provides a useful metaphor for the elements of the ECC system concept.

The 6 links in the adult out-of-hospital survival chain are:

  • Detection of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency call system (call 9-1-1 in the USA)

  • Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions

  • Rapid defibrillation

  • Advanced CPR by EMS and other healthcare providers

  • Care after cardiac arrest

  • Recovery (including additional treatment, observation, rehabilitation and psychological support)

A strong survival chain can improve the chances of survival and recovery for victims of cardiac arrest.

For more information and resources on CPR and CPR training, visit the American Heart Association.

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