How to Collect and Save Vegetable Seeds for Next Year
Many of the vegetables we grow in our gardens produce seeds that, if harvested and stored properly, can grow into plants.
Late summer is the perfect time to start collecting, reports Associated Press gardening expert Jessica Damiano. She warns in advance about the importance of the fruits you choose for seeds.
Make sure the seeds are from plants that are heirlooms or open pollinated, Species. These are plants in their original To form. Her seeds will produce plants with the same traits as her parents.
hybridized Plants typically produce the vegetables sold in major grocery stores. They are created by breed two or more different plant species to capture the best traits of each. However, trying to grow seeds from hybrids will not lead to a happy harvest.
The resulting plants do not have the expected traits, instead carrying the genes of just one of their parents. And it’s impossible to identify which parent that will be. For this reason, it is best not to grow seeds from store-bought foods.
Many plants are cross-pollinated in the garden. Pollinators, other insects, animals, and wind spread pollen from one plant to another. To ensure the seeds you collect grow into plants that match their parents, give them space! When planting a home garden, space different species of the same crop as far apart as possible.
To avoid cross-pollination surprises, only plant one type of each vegetable from which you can harvest seeds. For example, if you want to save on tomato seeds, only grow one variety of tomato in your garden.
If that feels too limiting, go ahead and experiment. Choose old plants to reduce the risk of cross-pollination. The plants will be fine even if they are not what you expected.
Keep the seeds in a cool, dry place in a covered glass jar or paper wrapper away from ripening fruit. Temporarily adding a drying element to the glass removes any remaining moisture. However, remove it after a few days to avoid over-drying.
Here’s how to collect and store seeds from some common native plants.
At the end of the growing season, lettuce plants grow a flower that develops seed heads. The process is called bolting and the seed heads are called puffing.
When the puff pastry is dry, remove the stem. Place the puff pastry in a paper bag, seal and shake. The seeds detach from the flower and fall to the bottom of the bag.
Basil seeds are tiny, so separating them from the tiny flower is a slow and careful process. When the plants sprout at the end of the season, leave the flowers on until the end fading Completely. Cut them and put them in a Sieve. Then press them against the bottom of the strainer with your fingers.
beets and carrots
Beet and carrot plants do not produce seeds until their second year, after a period of cold storage. In areas with cold winters, simply let the plants overwinter in the ground.
In warm climates, you need to create “winter” indoors: cut plants down to two inches at the end of the first season. Carefully dig up the roots and store them in a refrigerator or some other cool place. Plant them outside again the following spring.
When the leaves of biennial turnip plants turn brown, remove the seeds stem from the top of the plant and place in a paper bag. Store in a cool, dry place for at least two weeks, then shake the bag well to separate the seeds. Pour them onto a plate and blow on them to separate them chaff.
Allow second year carrot blossoms to dry on the plant, cut them off and continue drying them in a paper bag for a week or two. Then treat them like turnips.
Choose the prettiest pepper from your healthiest plant and leave it on the plant until overripe wrinkled. Cut it in half and remove the seeds. Discard any that are discolored or otherwise undesirable. Spread seeds in one layer on thick paper and leave to dry in a warm place. Do not expose them to direct sunlight. Shake the seeds from time to time to ensure even drying. The process should take about a week.
Allow an eggplant to overripe on the plant until it becomes hard and wrinkled, losing its shine and color. Cut it open, remove the seeds and place them in a bowl of water. Stir the water to wash off anything that may be stuck. Then use a cloth to gently dry the seeds. Leave the seeds on a piece of cloth and give them a little shake every day until they are completely dry. This can take several weeks.
Green beans
Green beans can produce a lot during the season. To get seeds, let them evolve Pods on a plant until completely dried and brown. Next, cut the pods off the plant and set them in a cool, dark place to dry further. Later, remove the seeds and spread them out on a cloth. Let it harden there for a few days.
I’m Dorothy Gundy. And I’m Caty Weaver.
Jessica Damiano wrote this story for the Associated Press. Caty Weaver adapted it for VOA Learning English.
words in this story
open pollinated – adj. a plant naturally pollinated by birds, insects and wind
original – adj. available from the start
hybridized – adj. Descendants of parents who are not similar
breed -v. Keeping animals or plants to produce more of a particular species
stem -n. the long, thin part of a plant that supports the leaves and flowers
fading -v. to become weaker and slowly lose strength and freshness
Sieve -n. a device used in cooking that separates small particles through a series of small holes
refrigerator -n. an electrical device that keeps food cold
stem -n. the thick stem of a plant growing out of the ground
chaff -n. the seed coats of plants that are not eaten but discarded
wrinkled – adj. a small line or crease on a surface such as skin, tissue, or cloth
pod -n. a long, thin part of a plant with seeds inside
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