How To Farm Crops In Coral Island

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  • First steps: tools of the trade

coral island is a charming farming sim set on the laid-back shores of the village of the same name. Growing crops is only part of your job – you must also befriend villagers and unravel ancient mysteries hidden within this mystical community.

Related: Coral Island: How to Unlock Fast Travel

While there’s plenty to do, farming should probably be your first skill to master. It’s a little more complicated than just planting seeds and hoping for the best. So here’s how to begin your journey to becoming a highly profitable farmer whose crops just can’t stand Coral Island’s turbulent seasons!

Coral Island is currently in Early Access, so the information in this guide is subject to change.

After being escorted to your new home, it will be you given your tools and be immediately entrusted with tending your field.


It might look like a scary expanse of bare earth — and that’s because it is. Try not to panic, though, because with the help of your tool belt, you’ll transform it into a verdant, thriving sanctuary in no time.

To use an item, First, click on it in your tool belt to put it in your hands

Tool Use How to open
trowel Click on a piece of soil to prepare it for planting. Will be given to you on day 1
pickaxe Click on rocks on the beach or in the cave to mine rocks. Will be given to you on day 1
watering can Fill it in the pond near your house and click on seeds or seedlings to water them. Will be given to you on day 1
Axe Click on the square where a viable tree is growing to cut it down and collect wood, sap and tree seeds. Will be given to you on day 1
scythe Click on tall grass or litter to collect fibers, wild seeds or piles of garbage. Will be given to you on day 1
sword Click on enemies like the pink blobs in the cave to repel them. given to you cave
fishing net Sneak up on insects and small creatures and quickly click them to catch them in your web. given to you beach hut
fishing rod Go to a pond or the ocean and click the water, then wait patiently for a fish to bite and click the left button to catch it. given to you beach hut

How to get seeds for Coral Island farm

You must do both Buy seeds from Sam’s General Store or go hunting in the tall grass and chop it down to collect it Wild Seeds.

Once they are in your inventory, select them from your tool belt, Click on the patch of prepared soil to plant them, and then Give them a good dose of moisture with the watering can for safety.

fertilizer can be crafted to use on raw ground once gifted to you if you wish increase the quality of your harvest, thereby increasing their monetary value. Craft this in your inventory by using it two compost and two juiceand Build a composting machine through this menu also by combining 20 wood, five waste and five sap.

This improves the quality of your harvest and these higher value products are labeled with an a purple star next to their icon in your inventory.

sell products

Once you have harvested your mature plants Left-click on it when the Harvest interaction is availableyou can eat them now to gain some health and energy – or you can sell them at a profit.

You can even Plant pine, oak or maple trees for your private lumberjack needs!

Either bring the fruit and veg directly to Sam’s General Store, which is located just to the right of your farm downtown, or Use the shipping container in front of your house to deposit the goods and collect the payment the next day.

You need to Pay attention to the seasonality of the vegetables, as this indicates what fruits and vegetables you can buy and grow. Some plants such as Spicy chili peppers grow all year However, if cared for properly, you can only buy Sam’s seeds when they are active in season.

When a plant is out of season, it becomes another harvestable resource on the first day of the next month. Potential resources include fiber (which you have to cut with your scythe), logs to hack, and stone blocks to me.

That Season changes every 28-day month in the world of Coral Island, so keep an eye on the calendar in the top right corner of your screen. Seeds are not available in winter!

All seasonal crops in Coral Island

seed season seed price produce price
carrot spring $35 $64
turnip spring $15 $30
cauliflower spring $70 $135
Potato spring $25 $60
Wheat Summer $5 $25
gardenia Summer $20 $35
sunflower Summer $20 $55
Corn Summer $25 (multiple harvests) $14
pepperoni Summer $40 (multiple harvests) $25
blueberries Summer $50 (multiple harvests) $30
rice autumn $15 $33
cranberry autumn $20 (multiple harvests) $11
aubergine autumn $35 (multiple harvests) $31
sweet potato autumn $60 (multiple harvests) $25
orchid autumn $75 $115

These are the current articles that are known to usbut this is bound to change as the game evolves and the seasons change.

Expand your farm

Once you’ve waded a good way into the game and built a furnace to smelt copper ore into ingots, you’ll be able to do it Bring these raw materials to the carpenter to expand your farm.

After purchasing the upgrade, a short cutscene will play where you can watch the farmer work with the carpenters to build the new structure before they say goodbye.

Here are the different upgrades you can get when you first add to your farm:

structure purpose Materials needed
Coop level one Houses live chickens to lay eggs. 100 wood

50 stone

Five bronze bars

10 fiber

barn level one Houses farm animals such as cows and sheep. 200 wood

100 stone

Five bronze bars

10 fiber

Stable Houses horses that you can ride. 50 scrap

200 stone

Five silver bars

Spring Allows you to scoop up water for the animals to drink. 50 stone

10 sandstone

Two bronze bars

Mill Allows you to grind wheat grown on the farm. 20 scrap

50 wood

Two bronze bars

silo Holds hay for your farm animals to eat. 100 scrap

300 stone

Two silver bars

By constructing new buildings you will be able to take care of farm animals with food and water, grow and irrigate your crops to sell to the islanders.

You’ll find that your yard can look pretty busy if items aren’t placed well, so keep an eye on your space; Remember, you have a lot to do.

However, these ranching add-ons can be quite expensive and The crafting system itself can be a tough job. Keep focusing on Build skills, sell products and complete missions; You’ll be a happy rancher in no time!

Next: Coral Island: Tips for Beginners

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