How to get live captions on audio and video with iOS 16

The introduction of iOS Live Captions in audio and video apps could be a serious benefit for people with hearing disabilities. After all, iPhones are for everyone and their wide array of accessibility features has long been one of the many reasons iPhones are considered one of the best best phones on the market.

In this sense a new one iOS 16 feature that enables live subtitles for video and audio is worth turning on. Live Captions does what it says on the tin: it provides real-time captions for audio and video, including calls and FaceTime. It’s a great feature for people with hearing disabilities to improve their access to audio and video, but can also come in handy in general when, for example, an unstable internet connection is distorting the video on Facetime. It could also be of great help to people learning new languages ​​who may find it easier to read words than to decipher fast speech.

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