How to Pop a Pimple, According to Doctors

Few things are more tempting than picking at a new pimple that’s just popped up. After all, it’s quite satisfying to see the accumulated dirt draining from your pores—plus, they always seem to pop up at the worst possible times (like just before a date). And honestly, it can feel like it’s going to take forever for them to go away. While most experts advise against popping them yourself, if you’re determined to do it despite the naysayers, you should first know exactly how to safely pop a pimple for the best results and avoid repercussions like scarring.

“In general, we recommend not popping a pimple. A pimple usually goes away in a few days,” notes Kevin Sharghi, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “Picking a pimple, while tempting and instantly gratifying, carries a high risk of bleeding, scarring, and even infection.”

While these risks and side effects are by no means uncommon, we have good news, pimple poppers: popping on your skin, when used safely, correctly, and on the right types of blemishes, can actually help get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells, found in pus from a pimple and can help a blemish disappear faster, according to Karan Lal, DO, MS, FAAD, dual chamber-certified adult pediatric and fellowship-trained cosmetic dermatologist with Affiliated Dermatology in Scottsdale, AZ.

Ready to learn how to pop a pimple? If you’re determined to remove a stain on your skin yourself, here are a few tips for doing it safely. Find ahead of time expert tips to pop a pimple at home and some expert-approved alternatives to make it heal faster.

How to pop a pimple

First of all: be aware that when you pop a pimple at home, you are entering a danger zone, welcoming the aforementioned effects like scarring, hyperpigmentation, and infection. However, if you want to know the safest way to pop a pimple, be sure to follow the tips below from Dr. lal.

1. Knowing which pimples are safe to pop.

Pimples that Dr. Lal says the safest ones to express are those that come to a point, or have a small white pus-filled bump in the center. These pimples are easier to pop if you apply gentle pressure (which is necessary for safety reasons).

Red pimples that are firm and not getting worse should not be blown out. These pimples sit much deeper in the skin, and pressing on them puts you at a much higher risk of side effects like scarring and hyperpigmentation.

dr Lal also warns against popping pimples around the nose and mid-cheek area, as popping pimples in this area carries the risk of cavernous sinus thrombosis, a rare but very dangerous side effect that can lead to blindness and even death .

2. Be gentle.

Gentle pressure is key when popping a pimple yourself to avoid scarring and hyperpigmentation. dr Lal suggests using two cotton swabs to gently push the pimple from each side until you see the white pus coming out. Avoid popping pimples fully — you want to get rid of the pus and nothing else, so if you see blood, you’ve gone too far.

3. Keep it clean.

In addition to gentle pressure, working with clean and disinfected skin, fingers and instruments is crucial. while dr Lal doesn’t suggest using rubbing alcohol after a pimple pops, he says it’s perfectly fine to use it before a pimple pops to gently cleanse the area and avoid introducing bacteria into the skin.

4. Follow up with proper aftercare.

dr Lal notes that every time you pop a pimple, “You create an open wound, and when you create a wound, you need to let the wound heal properly.” That’s where aftercare plays an important role.

Applying any type of active ingredient like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or retinoid is a bad idea as these ingredients cause severe irritation and redness and increase the risk of hyperpigmentation. You can use these ingredients again once your pimple has healed. Instead, Dr. Lal consider using hydrocolloid patches or pimple patches to prevent bacteria from entering the skin, heal blemishes faster and potentially minimize the risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Alternatives to popping a pimple

Would you like to clear your skin but not risk popping a pimple yourself? There are many ways to get rid of acne without bruising your face at home. Finally, “if you don’t want to pop a pimple and you’re nervous, it’s best not to,” says Dr. lal. Instead, try these dermatologist-recommended methods to get rid of blemishes:

1. See a professional.

A visit to your dermatologist is often the wisest choice when dealing with acne. When a dermatologist chooses to extract or “pop” a pimple on your face, they use “sterile and sensitive instruments to extract blackheads and whiteheads,” explains Dr. Sharghi. “We can [also] Inject a mild steroid into blemishes or cysts to heal them faster.

These professional methods are much better alternatives considering the risks and side effects that are possible when performing extractions at home. A dermatologist can also work with you to optimize your skin care routine and offer different treatment methods that work best for you and your skin concerns.

2. Try spot treatment.

“Consider using over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide gel for spot treatment of pimples,” suggests Dr. Sharghi before. “This acne-fighting drug has been used with great success for many years. Keep in mind that this drug can irritate some people’s skin and even bleach fabrics.” In addition to benzoyl peroxide and other pimple treatments like glycolic acid, which can help minimize breakouts, Dr. Lal also recommend trying a 1% hydrocortisone cream as the anti-inflammatory properties can help shrink pimples.

3. Use a cold or warm compress.

Some types of acne, like cystic acne, can be quite painful, notes Dr. Shargi – so “sometimes an ice pack can help cool it down and reduce pain.” Alternatively, if you have a very large pimple that is turning into a boil and starting to drain, a warm compress may help. dr However, Lal notes that heat increases inflammation, causing your blemish to get redder before it gets better.

How to remove a blackhead

As with whiteheads, removing blackheads at home comes with some risks. dr However, Lal points out that this is generally safe provided you take the right safety precautions, which he outlines below:

1. Soften the skin.

Removing a blackhead is easiest when the skin is soft. So, before removing a blackhead, try taking a warm shower so the contents of the pore come loose with less effort.

2. Clean the area.

Cleanliness is key with any type of extraction, including blackheads. Clean and disinfect the area with some alcohol on a cotton pad before you start to avoid the risk of infection.

3. Use a comedo extractor.

Comedone extractors are small metal tools with two holes on both ends that can be used to remove blackheads and blackheads. Simply place the hole on the blackhead and press down firmly but gently to remove. Make sure to disinfect the comedone extractor with alcohol before and after each use to avoid infection. And don’t put too much pressure to avoid scarring.

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