Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday urging him “not to stop Delhi’s budget” amid a row between the center and the AAP dispensation in the national capital over the matter. The Delhi government’s 2023-24 budget presentation, scheduled for Tuesday, has been put on hold with the central government’s Kejriwal dispensation and trading fees for allocations under various headings.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday urging him “not to stop Delhi’s budget” amid a row between the center and the AAP dispensation in the national capital over the matter. The Delhi government’s 2023-24 budget presentation, scheduled for Tuesday, has been put on hold with the central government’s Kejriwal dispensation and trading fees for allocations under various headings.
All mobile internet services, all SMS services (except banking and mobile top-up) and all dongle services provided through mobile networks, except voice call, remain still suspended in Tarn Taran, Ferozepur, Moga, Sangrur, Sub-division Ainala districts in Amritsar , areas adjacent to YPS Chowk and Airport Road, both in SAS Nagar, until March 23 (12:00 p.m.) in the interest of public safety, the Punjab government said, the ANI reported.
After Deputy Governor VK Saxena raised certain administrative concerns about the proposed budget in relation to tax interests, the Union’s Home Office (MHA) on Monday called on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-led government in Delhi to resubmit the budget, take further action to address these concerns. The response from the government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi is expected in the last four days, the MHA said.
The Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi on Tuesday will hear the bail application of former Delhi Deputy Prime Minister Manish Sisodia, who is currently in custody of the Enforcement Directorate in connection with alleged irregularities in the design and implementation of the national capital’s excise policy (ED) located. Sisodia was produced in court on Monday as he is currently in law enforcement custody until March 22. The court on Monday extended the judicial detention of the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the Delhi-related excise policy case by a further 14 days.
The center lowered the windfall tax on locally produced crude oil to Rs 3,500 per tonne from previously Rs 4,400 per tonne late Monday. However, it raised the export duty on diesel from 0.50 rupees per liter to 1 rupee per liter. Gasoline and jet fuel (ATF) are exempt from export tax. The new interest rates will come into effect on March 21st. This is the second rate cut in March.