Latest Study Reveals 75% of Creative Collaboration Happens Remotely

In recent years, organizations have transitioned from in-office to remote and then to hybrid working models. Which of these models makes marketers and creative teams more productive and what slows them down in the creative process? To understand this, Filestage recently conducted a study.

In the past three years, the way teams work together creatively has changed significantly. People went remote first due to the pandemic and resulting shutdowns. As they got used to it, many organizations called their employees back to the physical workplace. Today, many work in a hybrid environment.

To understand how people, particularly marketers and creative teams, work together and how the pandemic is affecting how they work together, Filestage recently surveyed marketers and creatives across a range of agencies, brands and production companies. The study tried to understand which working model makes teams most productive and what slows them down in the creative process. The study also made some predictions about creative collaboration for this year.

Below are some findings from the study.

Hybrid work is the new normal

When the pandemic-related lockdowns were lifted, there was much debate over whether people should be called back to physical space or continue working remotely. While many companies resumed face-to-face operations, many of them went remote permanently. Ultimately, most companies opted for the hybrid model. Today, about 65% of respondents have a hybrid work environment, while only 19% work fully remotely and 16% work from the physical office.

Additionally, the percentage of people working in the hybrid model has increased this year compared to 2022, while the percentage of people working remotely has decreased significantly.

Change of people who work in different work constellations

Change of people who work in different work constellations

Source: The state of creative collaboration in 2023Opens a new window