Stoneshard: How to Increase Morale

In Stoneshard, morale cannot be controlled simply by eating or drinking. It needs to be managed over the long term, but there are a few ways to improve the numbers.

stone chips uses a large number of statistics to determine the character’s overall well-being. These stats measure everything from hunger and thirst to pain and intoxication, and they work together to accurately quantify the character’s needs at any point in time. Most statistics are easy, others are not. The two most unusual stats are Morale and Sanity: the only two in the Psyche section of the Character Health page.


They’re special in that they’re the only stats that can’t be quickly corrected with a waterskin, bandage, or loaf of bread. These statistics measure the long-term effects of the character’s adventures on their well-being. In order to increase these stats, players must take the time to give their character some TLC. It’s like keeping a Tamagotchi pet alive, except it’s not a pet, it’s a medieval mercenary who faces certain death every day.

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How morality works in Stoneshard

New characters start out with 100% morale and sanity, full of naïve hope and noble ambition. To maintain their innocent exuberance, the character must be well-fed, rested, hydrated, sober, and generally free of physical and psychological trauma. This is of course easier said than done.

Each turn, morale is gained or lost based on the character’s hunger, thirst, pain, and fatigue levels. As long as the character is healthy and eating, drinking, and sleeping regularly, these stats will remain nominal and morale will slowly increase over time. It takes a while to get into a rhythm, but when you get it right, it’s satisfying. When stone chips leaving Early Access, it could end up being one of those survival games that gets good after a few rough opening hours.

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How to increase morale in Stoneshard

increasing morale in stone chips It’s usually less about making outright raises and more about reducing the potential for sinks. If the character’s needs are met, their morale will increase over time. However, as with all great roguelikes, there are always a few ways to tweak the math in the character’s favour:

  • Meal: A whole host of foods will boost morale, including things like flatbread, pretzels, roasted morels, and of course, pancakes. Don’t neglect cooking as many cooked foods are great for morale.
  • Herbs: One herb that reliably increases morale: Mindwort. Poppy seeds also have a slight effect over time, but it’s not worth the risk.
  • Alcohol: Many alcoholic beverages increase morale. So going on a bend might actually help, but keep it in moderation.
  • Battle: Getting critical hits and winning in battle has a positive effect on morale. It’s subtle to the point where it’s imperceptible, but this could be adjusted later in the game’s development. Fighting zombies that appear at night for this purpose is not recommended. Fighting with supernatural creatures negatively affects the character’s Sanity stat.

stone chips is in Early Access on PC.

MORE: Stoneshard: How to complete the Captive Emissary Contract

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