Foster caregivers are needed in and around Cochrane

A new initiative called ‘Just Like You’ was recently launched to encourage Albertans to become foster parents, with a focus on Cochrane and the surrounding area.

With the recent drop in the number of foster parents, the Alberta government is raising awareness of the need, hoping to add 100 additional foster homes over the next year.

Monique McCardle, president of the Calgary and District Foster Parents Association, says there is a need for more foster homes in the city, but the need is particularly evident in the surrounding areas outside of Calgary. “We want children in need of care to be able to stay in their communities. Encouraging communities around Calgary and even more rural communities to recruit people as foster parents allows children to stay in their communities and schools and continue that family culture.” Cochrane is one of the remote areas McCardle is referring to by saying : “We have a few (foster families) in Cochrane, but we would definitely like to grow surrounding areas like Bragg Creek in Cochrane as well.”

Like so many organizations, Alberta’s foster parenting program has been impacted by the pandemic. McCardle believes this was one reason for the decline in foster parenting: “I definitely think the pandemic had a lot to do with it, as everyone knows, all of our lives have changed drastically in this time and certainly there haven’t been much of it was advertising or recruiting during that time, and certainly some people who had been promoting for quite a while had taken that opportunity to retire as well.”

What qualities do they look for in a caregiver or family? McCardle says they welcome people from all walks of life because diversity makes the world and “different kids have different needs.” Looking for adults over the age of 18 including seniors. Whether it’s single, a couple, an already established family, or a brand new family, each type would be a valuable addition to a list of families needed in Alberta.

McCardle, himself a foster parent and recipient of the 2019 Foster Parent of the Year award, says: “Foster parents are ordinary people – just like you. If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster parent, now is the time. Children across Alberta need a safe place to temporarily call home. Becoming a foster parent offers a unique opportunity to support families in need. They can affect not just the life of a child, but the life of an entire family.”

There are several ways to find out more about foster parenting: You can find the information on the provincial website here. Local website, or the Calgary and District Foster Parents Association.

If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life by becoming a foster parent, you can learn more by calling 1-844-957-0552 or emailing [email protected].


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